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The difference between a motorcycle handlebar and a split handlebar

The difference between a motorcycle handlebar and a split handlebar

-----We are IGPMOTO,  We are a direct handle bar manufacture from China.

1. The split handlebar rearview mirror is usually at the front of the vehicle, while the integrated rearview mirror is fixed on the handle.

2. When the motorcycle turns, the integrated rearview mirror rotates with the turning of the car body, while the split rearview mirror does not rotate with the turning of the car body.

3. Split handlebars are used more on motorcycles because they need to observe the rear conditions when turning, so that the driver can easily observe whether it is necessary to avoid overtaking or other actions.

4. The position of the integrated handle is relatively high, and the position of the split handle is relatively low.

5.  Detachable handlebar rearview mirrors are generally not on the handlebars, but on the front of the car; and integrated handlebar rearview mirrors are often on the handlebars. This leads to whether the rearview mirror will follow the driver's steering when turning.

6. Separate handlebars are generally used in racing cars, because the car must look at the back when turning, whether it is to avoid others overtaking or do other actions; and the integrated handlebars are often used on street cars, because before turning It is often already optimistic, and it is not very dependent on the road conditions behind when cornering.

7. The other advantage of separation is that it is easy and convenient to change. After all, many times you always want to change this or that, or raise or lower it.

8. The one-piece handle has a small modification space, so it needs to be replaced completely: first, it is not easy to find the original high handle, and second, it is not very convenient to replace; while the separate handle is simpler and cheaper to replace.

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Contact: Cora lyn

Phone: 0086-18128289033

Tel: 0086-18128289033


Add: Zhonghefang Industrial Zone, Siqian, Xinhui, Jiangmen, Guangdong, China